Wasserman Studio
Former lawyer turns to wood...
Alan Wasserman
I am a retired trial attorney of 36 years. My passion and dedication to my practice was transferred when I discovered woodturning. 70 hour work weeks were common place while I was a trial lawyer. Now, my woodturning has far surpassed that to become my obsession in life, one step behind my family. I have sought out and trained with the masters of woodturning, internationally from Australia to Ireland and in the U.S. from Washington State to PA. My studies and work have been influenced and nurtured by the master turners. From this extensive study, and long hours in the studio, I have put together the pieces of the puzzle that work. The result are creations that look great and that will last for generations.
Lifetime Goal in Turning: My goal is to raise $100,000 for selected charities before I leave this great earth. I create and donate my creations to various charity auctions. I am very proud to say that as of year end 2021 my art has generated over $70,000 in donations. Individual pieces have been auctioned for more than $4,500.
I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge and direct you to the web sites of a few of the master turners that I have trained under and who continue to influence my creations in wood art. In alphabetic order:
Trent Bosch at www.trentbosch.com
David Ellsworth at www.ellsworthstudios.com Lyle Jamieson at www.lylejamieson.com
Glenn Lucas at www.glennlucas.com
Visiting their web sites will be a treat.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the pieces featured on this site, or commissioning a unique creation, you may Email the artist directly by filling out the information section on the CONTACT page. Thank you.